Houston Hikers

Your guide to outdoor recreation adventures near Houston, British Columbia, Canada

  • Watershed: Upper Bulkley
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Trail Length: 200m
  • Round Trip: 20 min
  • Distance from Houston: 10-30km
  • Cell Coverage: Yes
  • WARNING: Stay on trail. Area above the falls in stream is slippery and treacherous


  • Cell Service


Byman (Perow) Falls is a series of falls with spectacular views and great photography opportunities. The falls cascade off smooth rocks with large punch-bowl pools at the bottom. This is an all season destination as the Perow FSR is maintained in the winter, so get your snowshoes out! The pools also offer some much needed wading on a hot summer day. The rock walls and pool bottoms have been shaped over time and are smooth with embedded bits of quartz in places.

This is a nice short hike to take the kids on for a picnic. Use caution in areas above the falls as the rocks are slippery and very steep.

DIRECTIONS: (approx 28.9km from Houston)

NOTE: The Perow FSR doesn’t start for a while up Jarman Rd, the trailhead is approx 9km from the highway.

  1. Travel East of town along Highway 16 for 20 km until you get to the Perow Loop Rd on your left
  2. Turn left and travel for 300m up the loop and turn left on Jarman Rd
  3. Travel up the Perow FSR to 6 km, the trail head is on your right near the junction with the North Road.

