- Watershed: Nadina
- Difficulty: Moderate
- Trail Length: 3.3 km
- Round Trip: 3-3.5 hours
- Distance from Houston: 60km+
- Cell Coverage: No
- Toilet
- Camping
Links and Downloads
Dina Lookout offers spectacular views of the region. You can see Tweedsmuir Provincial Park, the Sibola Range and Mount Ney, the Kidprice Peaks, Mount Loring and the Morice Range, the Howson Range, the Telkwa Range and of course Nadina Mountain. Situated above Nadina Lake the lookout provides and moderate day hike or a great spot for camping.
Site Includes:
Room For Tenting
Wide Trail
One Spring Cot
Propane Stove and Fridge
Lookout Tower
DIRECTIONS: (approx 110km from Houston)
- Head west of Houston and turn onto the Morice River Road.
- At 27 Km keep going straight onto the Morice-Owen FSR.
- Keep driving on the main road and turn right at 56.5 Km
- Drive following the signs towards Huckleberry Mine
- At 101 Km turn right into the Glacier Main FSR
- Drive approx. 3 km’s and turn right onto the Old Tahtsa (Washout) FSR
- Drive for aprox. 5.5 km’s, the trail head will be on the right side of the road.