- Watershed: Upper Bulkley
- Difficulty: Easy
- Trail Length: 717m
- Round Trip: 1 hour
- Distance from Houston: 10-30km
- Cell Coverage: No
- WARNING: Watch out for falling ice from the Equity Ice Falls
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Dungate Falls:
A short and easy trail that is good for the whole family. The Dungate Falls are located right next to the Equity Mine Road and makes for a nice spot to stop at when out for a drive. The waterfall is best viewed in Spring when melt waters are at their peak. The waterfall dwindles in size toward the later part of the year.
Equity Falls:
The Equity Ice falls are not much to look at in the Summer. Just a trickle of water. However this small stream of water freezes over in the winter and also continues to flow. The end result is a spectacular set of ice formations. A rough snowshoe trail is ribboned with Orange Ribbon and will lead you to the falls.
In Summer there are some features along the rock ledge that are interesting to look at such as Goat trails and sleeping caves.
DIRECTIONS: (Approx 17km from Houston)
- Starting from the Houston Tourist Information building head east of Houston on Highway 16.
- Head East and turn right on Bulter Ave. Drive until you reach Omineca Way, turn right.
- Drive until you reach the Equity Mine Rd on your left.
- Drive up the Equity Mine Rd for approx 14.75 km.
- If you Reach the Husky FSR, you’ve gone too far.