Houston Hikers

Your guide to outdoor recreation adventures near Houston, British Columbia, Canada

  • Watershed: Nechako Reservoir
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Trail Length: N/A
  • Round Trip: N/A
  • Distance from Houston: 60km+
  • Cell Coverage: No


Sorry no amenities for this adventure


Kelly Lake located within the Nechako Reservoir watershed. Water from Kelly Lake drains out into Andrew’s Creek at Andrews Bay Provincial Park on Ootsa Lake. Water in Ootsa Lake flows both into the Nechako-Fraser watershed as well as Kemano River due to the Kenny Dam.


The lake is small-moderate in size and easy to access. You can drive a pickup into the access point, although it is growing in with Alder and might be better suited as a portage.

There are directional signs once you get onto the Kelly Lake Road.

There are no amenities at this site, please do not leave trash on site.

DIRECTIONS: (approx 100.5 km from Houston)

  1. Head South of town on the Morice River FSR
  2. At 27 km keep going straight onto the Morice-Owen FSR
  3. At 56.5 km turn right onto the Nadina Main FSR
  4. At 74 km keep left
  5. At 81 keep right
  6. At 89 turn left onto the Reach Main FSR
  7. At 93.5 km turn right onto the Kelly Lake Road.
  8. After 750m keep right
  9. After driving approx 7km on this road, the lake access will be on your left. The access is only marked with a small brown arrow sign.

