- Watershed: Morice
- Difficulty: Difficult
- Trail Length: 5.47 km
- Round Trip: ALL DAY
- Distance from Houston: 30-60km
- Cell Coverage: Yes
- NOTICE: Pack lots of water. There are no water sources once you're in the alpine.
- Camping
- Cell Service
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Nadina Mountain Park encompasses an isolated granitic mountain rising up from the rolling terrain of the Nechako Plateau. The mountain is a unique and dominant feature on the landscape and is theorized to have been a refuge during the last glaciation. Unique rock formations include large granite pillars. Heavy forest below gives way to an expansive alpine tundra on the summit plateau. The park provides good habitat for mountain goats. Recreational use in the park includes hiking, rock climbing, wildlife viewing and hunting. The park is a popular regional destination for hikers.
Cell service coverage is partially available on the north slope in the alpine.
The name Na-di-na Mountain first appeared on the 1879 Geological Survey of Canada map of BC & NWT. Nadina means standing up alone, referring to the prominent, solitary aspect of the mountain.
There is a strenuous hiking route up the north east slope of Nadina Mountain. The trail leads from an old cut block outside the Park, through the forested slopes of the mountain and up to alpine. The trailhead is at 867 metre elevation and reaches alpine at 1686 metres. After reaching alpine, the trail fades away. From this point, hikers can pick their own route to the summit at 2125m. Please make careful note of the trail location so you can find it again on your way down.
The hiking route up Nadina Mountain is a strenuous hike and should only be attempted by those with appropriate fitness and hiking experience.
There is no water available on Nadina Mountain. Hikers are advised to pack enough water for their trip up and down the mountain.
The Berkey-Howe Union Spire is a free-standing granite pillar located at the head of the large cirque on the north-east exposure of Nadina Mountain. Formations like this are very rare in granite. The spire is approximately 40 m tall, and the summit is an exposed 2 m x 2 m platform.
The Spire route is 5.9 and 25 m long, leading right to the top of this wild needle. Bring one rope, at least 4 quickdraws and a light rack with a few .75”-2” camming units. Belay on the uphill side of the spire after crossing a moderate snow slope. Climb up and left to the west face of the spire. Follow bolts across this face to the exposed downslope face, then up this to the top. Exposed but well protected. Rappel with one rope from a 2 bolt anchor.
Some text adapted from:
BC Parks Site
Directional and trail head signs might be missing, use your map and GPS.
DIRECTIONS: (approx 46km from Houston)
Head west of Houston and turn onto the Morice River Road.
At 27km keep driving straight onto the Morice-Owen FSR.
Approx at 39 Km, turn right at the Owen Lake Recreation Site.
Drive across the bridge at the campsite and keep going towards the mountain.
Drive for approx. 6.1 km until you see the trail head sign. (the last part of this road is heavily brushed in with Alder)