- Watershed: Nechako Reservoir
- Difficulty: Moderate
- Trail Length: 500m
- Round Trip: N/A
- Distance from Houston: 60km+
- Cell Coverage: No
- Portage
Links and Downloads
This area is within the 2018 Nadina Wildfire, an access update will be posted in 2019
Peninsula Lake is moderately sized. There are many pine covered peninsulas that the lake wraps around. The portage into the lake is approx 500m and a good set of rugged canoe wheels would help to ease the burden. The portage puts you into some narrow channels at the east end of the lake. There are some small old beaver dams that need to be crossed in the channel before getting to the main part of the lake, but they pose no problem.
There are no directional or trail head signs for this site, use your map and GPS.
DIRECTIONS: (approx 88 km from Houston)
- Head South of town on the Morice River FSR
- At 27 km keep going straight onto the Morice-Owen FSR
- At 56.5 km keep going straight onto the Morice-Owen FSR
- At 72 km turn right onto the Ootsa-Nadina Road.
- After the 29 km board the road will eventually turn into a more residential road.
- Turn right onto Shelford No 1 Road.
- Shelford No 1 Road will eventually turn into Andrew Bay FSR
- Just after 18 km turn right onto an unnamed block road.
- After approx. 1.4 km the portage is off on your left