Houston Hikers

Your guide to outdoor recreation adventures near Houston, British Columbia, Canada

  • Watershed: Nadina
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Trail Length: 152m
  • Round Trip: 15 min
  • Distance from Houston: 60km+
  • Cell Coverage: No


  • Portage


Stanton Lake is a small lake located in the Nadina River watershed. Access to Stanton Lake is relatively easy, however the access road required four wheel drive with good clearance. Stanton offers nice views of Nadina mountain. The East Gates area was flattened due to a severe wind storm event that occurred in the early 2000’s.

The 2018 Nadina Fire moved through this area. We will post an access update in 2019.

There are no directional or trail head signs for this site, use your map and GPS.

Please do not leave trash on site.

DIRECTIONS: (approx 63.5 km from Houston)

  1. Head South of town on the Morice River FSR
  2. At 27 km keep going straight onto the Morice-Owen FSR
  3. At 56.5 km keep going straight onto the Morice-Owen FSR
  4. At 62.5 km turn right onto the East Gates FSR
  5. Drive for approx 200m and turn right onto an unmarked road
  6. The lake access road is rough and requires a vehicle with good clearance.
  7. The portage starts in a logging block landing and heads southwest to the lake

