Houston Hikers

Your guide to outdoor recreation adventures near Houston, British Columbia, Canada


How to Utilize Houston Hikers Spatial Referenced Maps for Your Phone

All Houston Hikers maps on our site are Geo-referenced. This means that you can utilize the maps on your phone and depending on the type of phone and its GPS capabilities a blue dot will tell you where you are on the map. To do this you need to download a free app called PDF Maps

1.If you have an smartphone go your app store and download Avenza PDF Maps. (It’s a free app for up to 3 maps).

Avenza Logo

2.Go to Houston Hikers Web page and click on your desired trail or location, Download the map of the hike you want to take

3. Tap Open in “PDF Maps”:

4.The map will now load into Avenze PDF Maps library on your phone and when you are in the bush within the area of the map, a blue dot will tell you where you are:

Note: Watch your battery power and always have a compass and an alternative way to navigate back out of the bush