How to Utilize Houston Hikers Spatial Referenced Maps for Your Phone
All Houston Hikers maps on our site are Geo-referenced. This means that you can utilize the maps on your phone and depending on the type of phone and its GPS capabilities a blue dot will tell you where you are on the map. To do this you need to download a free app called PDF Maps
1.If you have an smartphone go your app store and download Avenza PDF Maps. (It’s a free app for up to 3 maps).
2.Go to Houston Hikers Web page and click on your desired trail or location, Download the map of the hike you want to take

3. Tap Open in “PDF Maps”:
4.The map will now load into Avenze PDF Maps library on your phone and when you are in the bush within the area of the map, a blue dot will tell you where you are:
Note: Watch your battery power and always have a compass and an alternative way to navigate back out of the bush